On Understanding Mental Health--The Role of a Psychologist and Psychiatrists

Written by - Sonali

At the crux of navigating through childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age lie roles, responsibilities, and life events exclusive to each of these stages. How we think, feel and act during these times determines the efficiency of our mind and body. When constructive behaviour is obstructed according to our understanding, it is only natural that the individual wants to understand and learn coping mechanisms to deal with the situations around them. Reasoning helps the human mind to cope with these difficult situations and stressors. Sometimes, this reasoning goes beyond the purview of mind and behaviour; instead, it is either dependent human body and the organs; or a mix of both. Mental health based interventions often find themselves amidst the study of mind and human behaviour and study of the brain. While the mind is a non-physical entity and exists beyond the realm of physical reality and is concerned with the understanding of thought processes and the conscience; the brain is a physical entity that is concerned with different functions of the body that includes feelings.

Related to mind and behaviour

Each individual's response and attitude towards life events are unique and exclusive. It can be based on their reason, previous experiences and more than that. While it is hard to determine what exactly could be the reasons, some of us find certain situations difficult to handle than others: It is essential to understand that change, confusion, and feelings of stagnation also sometimes need professional help. For example, a new workplace or shifting to a bigger city could be an overwhelming experience as it requires one to adjust to new social situations. Sometimes people can deal with a break-up with the help of family and friends; other times, they need some professional insights helping them cope with it. When we want to work hard towards a certain goal but do not feel motivated enough, intent without motivation often falls flat. People who want to enhance their experience with their partner could seek counselling sessions to decode patterns, understand their partner's love language.
Takeaway: To understand our thinking patterns, underlying psychological stressors, enforce positive thinking are reasons enough to approach a counsellor. Our subjective interpretation, expectations and experiences with each of the life events are valid!

Related to the Brain

Each one's brain is differently wired. Our brain determines our response to the world around us. Despite training the mind, the brain differently perceives the world around, which falls outside the normative curve set behest the data collected. Neurodiversity is a neologism [1] coined by Judy Singer that advocates that societal barriers categorise or disables people to function to their efficient best based on their ways of learning, sociability, emotional capability, and mental functioning at large. Therefore, the idea that neurodevelopmental disorders as inherently pathological here is challenged. This term has been widely accepted by those advocating human rights for the autistic community, individuals with ADHD and those diagnosed with neurodevelopmental disorders. ● The criticism of this concept is that it must exclude people whose functioning is more severely impaired. Advocates of neurodiversity have said while neurodiversity might lead to disability, but it cannot be generalized in all cases. The strengths are often inseparable.
Note: Self-diagnosis as a neurodiverse is valid and seeking help regarding the same needs to be normalised. Mental health concerns are not limited to what society dictates needs help but also anything that comes in daily living. Neurodiverse being might have mental health-based challenges that are varied and diverse than the ones that are faced by neurotypicals [2]. Mental health professionals are here to help one lead a better life, no matter which one identifies oneself.

Mental Health Professionals

Psychology; Counselling and Clinical Psychologist A psychologist has a master's degree (MA or MSc)[3] in either counselling psychology or clinical psychology. According to APA[4], Psychology is the study of the human mind and behaviour. Its methodology incorporates understanding the workings of the human mind and behaviour from the lens of both natural sciences and social sciences. It is an interdisciplinary area of study that involves understanding mental processes from perspectives across fields. They use counsellor, therapist and psychologist to describe their role. It is often advisable that they gain experience by working with a veteran psychologist or psychiatrist (who incorporate talking therapy) or under an institution that can direct them or provide them with enough experience before starting their clinic. A Clinical Psychologist needs an MPhil[5] from an RCI[6] registered University, which gives one an RCI license no. to practice as a clinical psychologist legally. Counsellors/counselling psychologists don't have a licensing body in India as of now. Counselling Psychology focuses on how people function personally, as a part of families, groups and organisations across age groups. They help improve their sense of well‐being, make them feel better and resolve conflicts. They also provide assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of more severe psychological symptoms.

Similarities and Differences; Counselling and Clinical Psychologist

Both Counselling psychologists and clinical psychologists are employed in similar settings such as university and college counselling centres, community health clinics, hospitals, and private practice. While Counselling psychologists use a person-centred, humanistic approach to resolve what is considered mild to moderate life issues, clinical psychologists use psychoanalytic, behavioural, and cognitive-behavioural theoretical foundations to treat an extensive range of severe psychopathological problems. They receive extensive training to treat mental illnesses that include bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, depressive disorders, among others. Counselling psychologists' services generally included but might not be limited to school, career/work stress concerns, mental disorders, relationship issues, life skills, lack of organisational skills, social adjustments and so on. These are immediate concerns to the individual and might not have impending effects on the individual. A Clinical Psychologists also considers the biology of the brain to diagnose the cause of human behaviour (biopsychology) when required. Note: As a client/ person seeking therapy, you have the right to ask about your psychologist's educational qualification. They collaborate with a psychiatrist based on medication to help the client in their best interest. In India, psychologists cannot prescribe medication, except in the Indian military setting.


Psychiatry is a branch of medicine that deals with mental illness treatment, emotional disturbances, and abnormal behaviour through the study of the brain. Psychiatrists look at biological, neurological and biochemical abnormalities to diagnose mental illnesses and prescribe medications to treat them. Note: Psychiatrists study MBBS and complete their MD in psychiatry or Psychiatric medicine (DPM)

Similarities and differences between psychologists and psychiatrists

Psychology and Psychiatry, both aim to solve mental health-based ailments. While Psychology incorporates different perspectives to understand human behaviour, Psychiatry is based on biochemical functioning in the brain. Psychiatrists deal with complex psychological conditions; Psychologists deal more with behavioural and developmental issues. Their approaches are different. Psychiatrists treat mental issues through medications; Psychologists treat them with therapies. Sometimes psychiatrists may include therapy in their treatment based on the requirement of the patient. Or the patient might just be asked to consult a therapist to go along with regulated medical doses by the psychiatrist. Psychiatrists primarily deal with mental health disorders. For Psychologists, it is just one branch. Psychiatrists are doctors of medicine and study the brain's functioning and are appointed to help it function to its optimal efficiency. Psychologists study the human mind and behaviour. They could extend their services to industries, sports, education, or research to understand the human mind and behaviour patterns, not always looking after mental health concerns. Psychiatrists are legally appointed to prescribe medicine; psychologists cannot, except in a few countries and India in the military camps. Life skills also find a place in mental health that is often data-based and does not require much expertise. At the same time, psychology practitioners might use this perspective. Both psychology and psychiatry are expanding beyond their respective initial understanding of mental health care requirements. A properly ventilated hospital, morally discouraged chronically ill patient, doctor's attitude towards treating a patient in any clinical setting, hygiene standards, overall environment of any hospital is now being deemed to be an important part of the recovery process for patients suffering from genetic or any kind of biological diseases. This is how psychiatry is incorporating psychological based treatment as a part of mental health care facility for their patients whose mental health is not at the centre of their illness but does play an important role in responding to the treatment. Somebody can approach a psychologist in any situation that one finds themselves and wishes to understand and heal, bereft of their mental state. Psychiatric help is sought when diagnosis needs to be done based on symptoms. Our mental health connects with our bodily functions. It is both influenced and influences our overall functioning as a human. Therefore, the health-based communities constantly push themselves to understand and make available health specialists who can curate individualised services based on their needs using different perspectives. With a better understanding and information of the brain's brain and biological nature, our approach towards both ourselves and seeking help shall prove rewarding towards overall well-being. Healing, care, love and support! ——— Glossary: [1] Neologism is any term that finds its roots in the ever-changing culture and technology. It might not necessarily be found as a part of the relative mainstream discourse. [2] Neurotypicals are those who are not affected by neurodevelopmental disorders. [3] MA –Master of arts , MSc – Master of science [4] APA –American Psychological Association [5] MPhil –Master of Philosophy [6] RCI – Rehabilitation council of India